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Sri Gayatri Maha Yagna by Sri Sathya Sai Vedic Society of SSSGC Singapore

This is an annual event commemorating Bhagavan’s Aradhana as per the Vedic Solar Almanac, falls between April 15th and May 15th, often known as Punya Thithi (blessed day), as well as to create a greater awareness of the Gayatri Maha Mantra at all levels of society.

This year it was celebrated on 11, 12, & 13th of May at field opposite to Sri Sivan Temple, Geylang East Ave 2, Singapore.

This event is organised by Sri Sathya Sai Vedic Society Singapore (SSSVSS) of Sri Sathya Sai Global Organisation Singapore (SSSGOSg).

The event started on 28 January 2023, with a sankalpa by devotees to complete 6.5 million Gayatri mantra. Devotees from all walks of life, orientation or beliefs regardless of race religion or gender, participated in this sadhana ie to chant as many Gayatri mantras as possible daily.

About 200 registered Rithwiks performed the Yagna at the 2 days event sitting for nearly 6 hrs. 150 volunteers assisted alongside to ensure seamless operation of the 3-day event. Nearly 400 members of the public attended and participated in the event.

SSSVSS wishes to thank all, especially statutory boards, the Exco of Sri Sivan Temple, Hindu Endowment Board (HEB) and all agencies for facilitating the event.

SSSVSS wishes to express its gratitude to all the Volunteers directed by HEB in the meal serving area.


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